Carl Rowlands: A Brown Old Deal?

“We’re the slaves of the phony leaders

Breathe the air we have blown you.”

The Punk and the Godfather, from Quadrophenia by The Who

The Progressive Economy Foundation recently held an event in Budapest called a ‘Green Jobs Summit,’ featuring an assortment of Hungarian social democrat and green politicians including Gordon Bajnai, Andras Schiffer, Javor Benedek and Imre Szabo. Whilst the assorted journalists were perhaps most interested in Gordon Bajnai’s attack on Fidesz for commissioning a huge expansion to the nuclear power plant at Paks, perhaps the most interesting contribution was provided by Reinhard Butikofer, president of the European Green Party, who gave the opening address. And it was probably more interesting for what he didn’t say about growth and jobs, rather than what he did say. Carl Rowlands: A Brown Old Deal? részletei…




Following the decision of the ALTERSUMMIT General Assembly last year, we have the pleasure of inviting you to an European Conference on the far right, racism and neo-nazism to be held  in Budapest on Thursday, 3rd April 2014 from 10 am till 5 pm, followed by a demonstration to commemorate Hungary’s liberation from Nazi Occupation in 1945.

ALTERSUMMIT Invitation részletei…

Meghívó sajtótájékoztatóra / Invitation to international press conference

Tekintettel az Ifjúsági Kereszténydemokrata Szövetség január 20. 12.30 órára a Budapesti Corvinus Egyetem északi kapuja elé meghirdetett sajtótájékoztatójára, amelynek tárgya az egyetem aulájában lévő Marx-szobor eltávolítása, egyetemi polgárok egy közössége szintén sajtótájékoztatót hirdet január 20-án 13 órára ugyanazon helyszínre ugyanazon tárgyban, ahol felolvassuk az egyetemi szenátushoz intézendő tiltakozó nyílt levelünket.

Várjuk a sajtó tisztelt képviselőinek megjelenését és segítségét.

Deák Dániel egyetemi tanár, BCE, Oktatói Hálózat


With regard to the press conference the Alliance of Young Christian Democrats (IKSz) has advertised for 20 January at 12.30 p.m. in front of the Northern gate of the Corvinus University of Budapest on the subject of removing the statue of Karl Marx to be found in the university’s main hall, this time a community of university citizens has also announced a press conference for the same day at 1 p.m. in the same place on the same subject where an open letter of protest addressed to the university senate will be read.

The presence and assistance of distinguished representatives of the press is most welcome

Professor Daniel Deak, Corvinus University of Budapest, Lecturers’ Network

Maidan 2013: A Multi-Dimensional Dialectic of Resistance (A View from the Left)

Aleksandr Buzgalin*: Maidan 2013: A Multi-Dimensional Dialectic of Resistance (A View from the Left)

As this text is being written, the outcome of the resistance remains undecided, but the author is certain that one way or another, the present Ukrainian authorities will draw closer to the European Union. Meanwhile, one thing is clear: the profound problems of Ukraine, and of Russia’s relations with it, will not be solved as a result. Maidan 2013: A Multi-Dimensional Dialectic of Resistance (A View from the Left) részletei…